Saturday, May 8, 2010

1. Write a Bestseller

So, here I am... I admit that it's been 8 days (maybe 9 or 10) since I first posted my blog entry and I admit that I've been unmotivated. It's a struggle - this working full time, studying 12 hours a week (in class only, not to mention that stuff you do externally) and trying to maintain the busy social life that a single twenty something (how old did I tell you I was again?) has.
Anyway, so it's Saturday and despite a few drinks last night, I was up at 7.30am this morning and was at Paddington by 9.10am for another day in school. Today's class was a continuation of last week's class on Screenplays and it was everything I was hoping for and more - discussions about sex, television, film, characterisation.. We watched and wrote BIG PRINT for scenes from the Dark Knight and Pulp Fiction. And then discussed a story from Sin City as it pertained to dramatic need (are you sensing a theme on the part of the Tutor?) For someone who hasn't written anything of substance since Uni (Facebook statuses and emails to family members don't count), any time I am asked to write and be criticised for it makes me uncomfortable.
Even more uncomfortable was the redness in my face and the hilarity that ensued when I unintentionally rhymed the logline that I was asked to write for a TV show or film (but my TV show was GLEE so it doesn't seem to out of the ordinary for it to be in rhyme). Still - it got a positive response and it did very succinctly describe the show (succinct is important particularly as economy with words has never been my strong suit)..
I walked out of class feeling quite inspired and full of energy (totally weird for me) and so a few of us went for a drink afterwards. 5 1/2 hours later we are dragging our asses out of what has essentially transformed from a pub to a nightclub in the time we have been there. We discussed everything - religion, sex, politics, gender equality, our families, marriage. It was one of those conversations that you have when you are getting to know people - full of passion and enthusiasm and a desire to get your point across!
Now, I'm home - wide awake and bursting with energy. I want to write something - a screenplay? a novel? a facebook status? an email to my brother who is in the Navy and currently in the middle east? I don't know! I just want to put something out there! And so my blog it is - it may not be a bestseller in the traditional sense but perhaps the more I put out there, the more inspired I will be. And maybe a bestseller will come out of it?
So, here I am...maybe a little drunk and rambling but excited and inspired at the same time. And on that note, I shall bid you adieu! Stick with me - Number 1 is generally the best place to start when working through any list but I don't expect a bestseller to happen overnight! I just hope that this new found enthusiasm ultimately translates....